Friday, January 7, 2011

The Return?

Wow, I am the worst blogger ever. I'm back now, at least I hope I'm back, and should be posting more frequently from now on. I can dream, right?

So here's a quick summary of what's happened the past few months:

End of October: Moved out of apartment, put stuff in storage, went to stay with in-laws for "a week or two" which turned into seven.

November: NaNoWriMo! Somehow managed to write a 50k word novel while being a Municipal Liaison for Los Angeles, but living in Orange County! O_o

Early November: My sister Becky left for Taiwan, where she is now teaching English. :'(

Mid-November: Mom had her last chemo treatment. Met my sister Allison's boyfriend for the first time. Went to an awesome CF event for free and met some other CF moms.

Early December: Found and rented a house, but didn't move in as it was infested with cockroaches. Painted in said house, sprayed and fogged to kill the bugs. Went to Jon's company's work retreat. Made another trip to Stanford for the ISIS clinical trial, Gwena weighed 19 lbs 10 oz!

Mid-December: Finally moved into the rental house, despite still seeing the occasional cockroach.

Late December: Christmas stuff! Made some of the presents I gave and hope to post pics later. (Right.)

This week: Finally got internet in the new house! Woot!

Today: Finally posted on my blog again!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I didn't know you were the ML for LA! Wow, that's a big job, way to go!
