Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July Clinic Visit

This is my second belated update post!

Last Wednesday we went to the CF clinic. Gwena's lungs are doing great! The nurse told me I'm doing a great job. :)

Her weight wasn't too good though... she weighed only 15 lbs 5 oz. Two weeks before, at the pediatrician's, she had been 15 lbs 8 oz. I know it's two different scales, but we had also weighed her on our home scale, and she seems to have lost a few ounces in those two weeks, instead of gaining! Her growth curve had a little dip in it.

So the plan is to feed her more and richer foods. Right now she's nursing 5 times a day. In addition to that, they want us to give her the foods we're eating blended up, give her more rice and pasta and crackers, cook for her using butter, oil, or cream, or add those to her foods directly. We are to weigh her every week on our scale and email that figure to the dietitian. They will see us back at the clinic after 4 weeks to see how she's doing.

It's kind of disheartening to find out she hasn't been gaining well, that we have to fight harder to get her to grow. Getting extra calories into her hasn't been too hard though, and I can already tell from her stools that we've outstripped the amount of fat that her enzymes can handle, so we might need to increase her dose as well.

I can't believe she's 10 months old already! It's crazy to think that without enzymes and treatments, she might not have lived even this long. She's standing in her playpen right now waving at me, and she just looks so old!


  1. You guys are doing a great job! If you want, I'll send you some of my recipes, as Wes and I are completely incapable of cooking anything without using as much cheese and butter possible.
