Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quitting Caffeine, Again

My body is very sensitive to caffeine. A few weeks ago, I had a cup of coffee one day, a coke the next, and an Excedrin the day after that. Ever since then it's been a daily choice between caffeine or a withdrawal headache, so I've been drinking a lot of tea.

My husband never has this problem, because caffeine never has the slightest effect on him. He can drink it every day and not become addicted, and he can drink a large cup full of espresso shots and then go right to sleep. This was a problem for him in college, since he could never stay up late to write a paper.

But back to me and my addiction. I've decided that it's now time to quit, again. I've quit caffeine many times in my life, and it's actually much easier than many people think. I always cringe when I hear about people quitting cold turkey. There is an easier and far less painful way! Yesterday I had a cup of tea, today I'm having 3/4 of a cup of tea. In a few days I'll be down to a couple of sips, and then I'll be free.

Don't get me wrong, I love coffee, tea, coke, and other caffeinated beverages. I even love caffeine itself, for staying up late or for mornings when I haven't gotten enough sleep. But I hate being addicted, I hate being a slave to it. Dropping everything and running to the kitchen to make tea because I forgot and I've started to feel the beginnings of that withdrawal headache coming on. Drinking beverages not for enjoyment, but for their drug content. I prefer not to live that way.

I just have to be careful when November rolls around to not get re-addicted! NaNoWriMo usually makes for a more caffeinated month than most, but I just have to watch that I don't have it more than two days in a row.

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo, NaNoWriMo!!! What's your NaNo screen name? I want to add you to my writing buddies list!

    I quit caffeine last January before trying to get pregnant, and haven't gotten back on the c-train. I am, however, a slave to my morning cup of (decaf) coffee. I need it. I skipped coffee (decaf or otherwise) while pregnant and the day after Aidan was born I was like, "Someone needs to bring me a decaf mocha STAT!!!"

    Some habits die hard, I've had coffee every morning since I was ten-ish, and it's just a fact of life now. Yes, I'm an addict, but seeing as I live in Seattle I'm among friends.
