Monday, September 13, 2010

What happened to August?

Ack! 7 weeks without a post? I knew it wouldn't be long before I started neglecting this blog.

In that time we've struggled with Gwena's weight gain (or lack thereof), Gwena has acquired 4 teeth, I have laundered a cockroach, my mom has started chemo for breast cancer, I've been working a little from home for my mom's business, the apartment is now a complete mess again, and we've taken a trip to Stanford for Gwena's clinical trial.

Perhaps some of these things will be elaborated on in future posts. For now, I have to go try to get this mess under control!


  1. Your mom has breast cancer?! Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Please give her a hug for me, I'll be praying!

    Welcome back to the blogging world, I missed you!

  2. Yes, mom had a lumpectomy, radiation, and now just had her 3rd out of 6 chemo treatments. They caught it very early but it's apparently a pretty aggressive kind, so they're doing the chemo as a precaution. Thanks for your prayers, I will definitely give her that hug when I see her tomorrow!
